Monday, July 9, 2012

Le premier poste. 09 juillet.

I don't really blog. So this will be an interesting test for me; either it will go really well or it won't work at all. I'm planning on doing most of my posts from my phone so pardon any typos or weird autocorrects, capitalizations, etc. Right now this folder (in the picture) is all I have of my trip to Europe. In it is less than one would expect, a plane ticket and a round trip train ticket from Paris to Brussels. I'm going into this experience with an open mind and pretty much no plan. While trying to work things out with Anna over Facebook this is how the conversation went:
Anna: we don't need an exact plan, it's not fun.
Me: I've never traveled like this before, but sounds good to me!
Anna: well you have to change your way of traveling then :) its gonna be awesome.

Only four more days and I haven't even thought about what to pack! It's starting to hit me that I'll be gone, alone, for such a long time. I also am realizing that I am much less proficient in French than any AP or college test thinks I am. Hopefully that first year vocab will come back.

Bon courage à moi.

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